What happened to Julia? - BARS Ep. 87
I can't see a happy ending - BARS Ep. 88
Selina is gone - BARS Ep. 89
BARS Ep. 103 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
BARS Ep. 112 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
My sweet, cute Rebecca • A.O.A. Academy Ep. 33
BARS Ep. 116 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'n Roll
Progressing through the story - BARS Ep. 92
BARS Ep. 109 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
Fucking Jade and Lisa • BARS Ep. 94
At the lake with a busty brunette • BARS Ep. 100
BARS Ep. 114 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'n Roll
BARS Ep. 115 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'n Roll
BARS Ep. 104 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
BARS Ep. 102 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
BARS Ep. 110 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll
New problems on the horizon - BARS Ep. 90
End of chapter 1 - A.O.A. Academy - Misterdoktor
BARS Ep. 107 – Boobs, pussies and Rock'nRoll